Saturday, May 11, 2024


Military UAV Certification - IMTAR 21


Kanchan Biswas

Former Director (Aircraft), CEMILAC, DRDO

(+ 91 9448376835,



Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are fast becoming a major support for all three services both in war as well as during peace time. Military UAV finds extreme useful application in both intelligence gathering as well as arms dropping in hostile areas where manned aircraft deployment is considered dangerous. Though military UAV are mainly flying in military airspace, looking at the risk of co lateral damages, military UAV flights are desirable to be regulated to maintain safety and security of flying. The regulation is through proper military type certification of the UAS (UAV along with its associated ground systems, communication links and pilot operating stations) and proper flight authorizations.  Section 21 B2 of the ‘Indian Military Technical Airworthiness Requirement (IMTAR 21)’ document of DDPMAS 2021 version 1.0 defines the military type certification procedure for ab-initio design and developed UASs for military applications.

             Keywords: DDPMAS, Airworthiness, IMTAR, UAV, UAS, Certification, and MTC


1.      Military Airworthiness in India

Aircraft Design and Development (D&D) activities in India started with the HT-2 basic trainer aircraft project for the Indian Air Force in 1953. In the absence of any military airworthiness agency, certification and quality assurance activities were entrusted to DGCA. With increase in design and modification activities taken up in the country, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India formed ‘Directorate of Technical Development and Production’ (DTD&P(Air)) in the year 1958 within the premises of HAL, structured similar to the British Airworthiness Groups to look after the Military Aircraft Airworthiness & Certification aspects including Overseeing of inspection. Later in 1960, the Design and Inspection related functions were separated and entrusted to Chief Resident Engineer(CRE) and Chief Resident Inspector(CRI) respectively. In the year 1968, the CRE`s were brought under the functional and administrative control of DRDO reporting to Director of Aeronautics. In 1995, all the CREs were brought under one umbrella CEMILAC (Center for Military Airworthiness and Certification) to consolidate Military airworthiness and certification [1].

The experiences of CREs in certifying a wide variety of aircraft and equipment were consolidated into a document called procedure for ‘Design Development and Production of Military Airborne Stores’. The document (Shot titles: DDPMAS-75) was issued on 30th October 1975 [2] by the Ministry of Defence as a mandatory requirement to be followed by the Certification authorities, Quality Assurance Personnel, Users, Designers, Production Agencies and Private companies [1].


1.1 Revisions of DDPMAS Documents

DDPMAs – 75 released on 30 Oct 1975 was reviewed and reissued on 17 May 2002 as DDPMAS-2002 superseding DDPMAS-75. DDPMAS 2002 had two volumes, wherein volume 2 was exclusively meant for Airborne Software certification [3]. The latest version DDPMAS 2021, Version 1.0, was released on 03 Feb 2021 under signatures of Secretary Defence Production and secretary Defence R&D, Ministry of Defence, Gov. of India. DDPMAS 2021 [4] is a three tier document as shown in figure 1.  

Figure.1 – Hierarchy of DDPMAS 2021 Documents

The apex document is titled as ‘Framework and Procedure for Design, Development and Production of Military Airborne Systems and Airborne Stores’ (titled DDPMAS}. The working document is the ‘Indian Military Technical Airworthiness Requirements’ (IMTAR – 21). IMTAR-21 discusses the detailed procedures to be followed in each individual case of development and certification activities. The third document ‘IMTAR Forms’ is a Manuals giving all Forms, Formats/Templates and checklists etc., to be used during various activities of design, development, production, maintenance and certification, etc.


2. Indian Military Airworthiness Requirement (IMTAR - 21) [5]

IMTAR – 21 is primarily intended for airworthiness certification of air system and airborne stores in the Indian Military Technical Airworthiness Regulatory Framework. The IMTAR is divided into Subparts. These Subparts contain the technical requirements to be followed for Airworthiness Certification for specific phase in the development life cycle of an air system /airborne store in the Indian Military Aviation scenario. Subpart – A of IMTAR – 21 deals with the general procedure for Indian Military Airworthiness. Among other sub parts, subparts B (B1 to B4) discusses the procedure for Ab-initio Development of Air System (Aircraft, UAS, Air Launched Missiles and Aero Engines) Leading to RMTC/MTC and Production.


 2.1 Indian Military Airworthiness Function

Indian Military Airworthiness Functions are divided into two activities [§ 2.6, Pt 1, Ch2, DDPMAS] as indicated below.

a)     Technical Airworthiness. The airworthiness regulation during design & development, production, repair and Overhaul are dealt under technical airworthiness. The procedures to be followed are detailed in the IMTAR – 21 document.

IMTAR 21 is drafted by Technical Airworthiness Authorities i.e. CEMILAC and DGAQA and reviewed by Joint Airworthiness Committee (JAC). IMTAR comprises of dedicated Subparts with regulation, acceptable means of compliance and necessary guidance material.

b)     Operational Airworthiness. The operational airworthiness requirements are drafted and promulgated by the respective ‘Service Headquarters’ (SHQ).


Technical Airworthiness Authority - Ministry of Defence has established ‘Technical Airworthiness Authorities’ (TAA) comprising of organisations who are independent of the User Services and Main Contractor. The TAA, are responsible for the regulation of the technical airworthiness aspects of design & development, production and maintenance of Air Systems/Airborne Stores and the determination of the airworthiness acceptability of those products prior to operational service. This includes the authority to prescribe, interpret, and revise airworthiness requirements. In India, the role of Technical Airworthiness Authorities is executed by CEMILAC and DGAQA [§ 2.3, pt. 1, Ch2, DDPMAS [4]].


2.2 Indian Military Airworthiness Aviation-Stake Holders [4, 5]

Indian Military Aviation stake holder can be broadly divided into two groups namely as  

a)        a)     The Regulators - Indian Military Airworthiness Authorities (IMAA); comprising of TAA and                   SHQ;  and

b)     b) The Regulatees – those who are being regulated. The regulates include Design & Development                Agencies, Production, Repair, Maintenance and Overhaul agencies.  

DRDO undertakes design & development of military aviation air systems and Airborne stores. The SHQs (Services Headquarters) carries out continuing airworthiness and operational airworthiness activities for military air systems and airborne stores. Thus, DRDO and SHQs fall under both categories of regulators and regulatees as they are involved in both regulatory functions as well as work as regulated organizations.  

The roles and responsibilities of various stake holders are tabulated at § 2.2, Part 1, Ch -2, DDPMAS [4]. §3, Subpart ‘A’, IMTAR 21 [5] also brings out the roles and responsibilities of all Indian Military Airworthiness Authorities as shown below: 

a)     CEMILAC is the Airworthiness Assurance Authority (§ 3.0 Subpart ‘A’, IMTAR-21).

b)     DGAQA is Quality Assurance Authority (§ 3.1. Subpart ‘A’, IMTAR-21).

c)     ‘Main Contractor’ is a general term used for the organization having total responsibilities of any or all activities of the development/modification/production/delivery and follow on support of the Air System/Airborne Store. The responsibilities of the main contractor are shown at (§ 3.2. Subpart ‘A’, IMTAR-21).

d)     Design Agency (DA) or Design Organization (DO) is the one who is approved under regulation  21.G1 of IMTAR 21. Design & Development of Air System shall be taken up by an organization approved under Design Organization Approval Scheme (DOAS) of CEMILAC. (§1.4.1 & 1.5.1, Part 2, Ch 1 DDPMAS [4]).

e)     The User Services are to provide user requirements for development of an Air System/Airborne Store. (§3.3 Subpar ‘A’ IMTAR-21).

f)      The flight test department of the Main Contractor or any Services HQ authorized flight testing agency are responsible for the flight testing of Air Systems and Airborne Stores (§ 5.2.3 part 2, Ch 5, DDPMAS [4]). Responsibilities are indicated at (§3.4 Subpar ‘A’ IMTAR-21).


The details of Indian Military airworthiness stake holders along with their functions are shown in figure 2.


Figure 2: Indian Military Airworthiness Stake Holder [4,5]


3. Airworthiness of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Military UAVs find extremely useful applications in both intelligence gathering as well as arms dropping in hostile areas where manned aircraft deployment is considered dangerous. Though military UAVs are mainly flying in military airspace, considering the risk of collateral damages, military UAV flights are also desirable to be regulated to maintain safety and security of flying. The regulation is through proper military type certification of the UAV as well as appropriate flight authorization and operational control.

DDPMAS-75 and DDPMAS-2002 did not include military certification of Unmanned Aircraft.  DDPMAS – 2002 categorically indicated in it preface that, “This document is not applicable for unmanned aircraft and missiles unless such UAVs and missiles are carried on manned aircraft” [4]. This implied that these were not considered as Air Systems and were treated as airborne stores only. For airworthiness assurance, therefore they were to be dealt with like any other airborne stores for the purpose of military certification. Section 21 B2 of the IMTAR 21 [5], however, defines the military type certification procedure for ab-initio development of “Unmanned Aerial Systems” (UAS) for military applications. 

Military Airworthiness is ensured by following procedures and meeting technical requirements defined in IMTAR. The general procedure for airworthiness is defined in Subpar A of the IMTAR – 21. This Subpart introduces the General procedure followed in the Indian Military regulatory framework for Project Initiation, Ab-initio development process, Production, Continued & Continuing Airworthiness, Indigenous Substitution, and Organisation Approvals. The procedures to be followed during various phases in the life cycle of an Air System/Airborne Store are elaborated. In this paper, we will be discussing only on ‘Ab-initio Development’ of Unmanned Aerial System


3.2 Project Initiation and Feasibility Study

The project initiation and progress phase as indicated in Subpart A of IMTAR [5], is shown in Figure 3.

                       Figure 3. Project Initiation and Development Procedure IMTAR – 21

Either the User Services or the design agency (contractor) can initiate the ab-initio development project. The service requirements in the form of draft qualitative staff requirements prepared are scrutinized by the Department of Defence Production (DDP). DDP initiates a feasibility study through the Development Agencies/ Contractors/DRDO.

Based on the feasibility study report, precise staff requirements are made by the Services and the project definition report for the development contract is prepared by the development agency and put up to MoD. The report is examined by the MoD, DRDO, DDP and the User. If satisfied, MoD may award development contract for the new air system/aeronautical stores. 

The design and development phase begins once the contract is accepted by the development agency/Main Contractor. On completion of the development, the Type documentation/record is submitted by the Main Contractor. CEMILAC issues Type Certificate/Approval for the Air System/ Airborne Stores after ensuring compliance to the airworthiness requirements. After the issuance of the Type Certificate/Approval, the program enters into the production phase.


3.3 Ab Initio Design and Development Phase (§2.2, Subpart A, IMTAR 21[5])

DDPMAS & IMTAR allows any one of the following two routes of certification

a)     Concurrent design and certification or Certification, and

b)     Certification process commencing after completion of all design activities.

In case (b), CEMILAC may stipulate additional tests or seek repetition of tests or analyses (duly justified) to accord clearance/certification. In this report, we will discuss the concurrent certification route only.

A schematic block diagram of the Design and Development phase is shown in Figure 4 below. 

Figure 4: Design and Development Phase [Subpart A, IMTAR-21].


The detail procedure is explained below.

1)     Generation of Air System Requirement/Specification

Based on the QR released, the Main Contractor prepares the Air System Requirement/ Technical Specifications which captures the requirements at the Air System/airborne store and their system/subsystems as well as the interface issues.

             The Type Certification Basis (TCB) along with the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and the Airworthiness Certification Plan (ACP) are prepared by the Main Contractor in consultation with CEMILAC.

2)     Airworthiness Certification Criteria (§1.4.2, Part-2, Ch-1, DDPMAS [4])

The main Contractor shall ensure that the Air System is designed to an applicable Airworthiness Certification Criteria (ACC) like Mil/FAR/Def Stan/NATO STANAG 3671 etc. The Airworthiness Certification Criteria can be either specified by the User Services or mutually agreed upon between the development agency and the User Services.

3)     Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) (§ 1.4.7, Part-2, Ch-1, DDPMAS [4])

The Main Contractor shall prepare a D&D Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) bringing out the stage of development, QA roles, and delegation related to the development of the Air System along with the involvement of TAA and other stakeholders at various stages. This plan shall be approved by DGAQA. DGAQA may delegate QA activities for non-critical systems/sub-systems/LRUs to the Quality Assurance department of the Main Contractor

4)     Design & Development phase

Airworthiness certification during Design Development involves two phases viz., a) the Design analysis and Evaluation phase and b) the Testing phase, which includes Ground and Flight testing. Design Evaluation involves evaluating the adequacy of the design to meet the design intents, performance, and Safety requirements. This phase may include analysis and simulation.  The testing validates the design for nominal and failure cases.


a) The design evaluation phase has three major activities –

i)   Project Definition Phase. The project definition phase identifies air system configuration, major systems/equipment, and Weight.  

ii)     Preliminary Design Phase. In preliminary design, the trade-off in design and design parameters for safety, functionality, and performance are established based on preliminary testing and analysis. Mock-up studies for ergonomics and finalization of specifications of various systems/subsystems are also completed.

iii)   Detail Design. In this phase, the detailed design of components, subsystems, and systems based on FMECA, FTA, Hazard Analysis, CG analysis, safety, and risk analysis is carried out.

b)     Design Reviews

During the development phase two technical reviews i.e., Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Critical Design Review (CDR) are conducted. These reviews are conducted by Domain experts and with the participation of CEMILAC and DGAQA. PDR is conducted to review the basic design approach of each configuration item. CDR is conducted to ensure that for each configuration item, the detailed design solution and the engineering drawings satisfy the technical requirements and specifications. After CDR the design of each configuration item is frozen.

5)   Development of Test Rigs

       The Main Contractor establishes working rigs as per the rig specification for all systems/subsystems to functionally test and demonstrate compliance to design requirements.

6)   Testing Phase

Testing is carried out as per the ACP to validate the design or in some instances to refine the design after it is baselined. Testing may reveal the need for design changes. This is an iterative process until the design is proven satisfactory.

7)   Finalization of Design Standard of Preparation (SOP)

After successful integration testing, the design Standard of Preparation (SOP) is finalized and baselined. The SOP accurately defines the product, the drawing standard, various LRUs, and the equipment used.

8)   Preparation of Certificate of Design (COD)

The Certificate of design for each system and the Air System are prepared by the Main Contractor. The COD summarizes the results of the Design, Analysis, and Testing results.

9)   Fabrication of Prototype

The prototype is realized based on the baseline SOP and meets the quality requirements as per QAP. Ground & flight testing is progressed. During development, each prototype Air System and the Airborne Stores fitted on any Air System must be individually identified to comply with configuration control during ground & flight testing requirements. The detailed requirements for identification are given in Subpart ‘Q’ of IMTAR-21 [5].

10)   The Flight Test Phase

Flight Clearance Certificate (FCC) approved by CEMILAC, brings out the cleared build, system limitation, operating limitations, cleared envelopes for flight testing, and conditions of release.  FCC authorizes flight testing by the flight test agency. The flight testing follows the requirements generated in the Flight Test Specification approved by CEMILAC. The Flight test plan bringing out the planned set of activities and the flight test objectives are prepared by the flight Test agency for important phases of tests. Flight clearance based on the Airworthiness of the Air System is accorded by CEMILAC through the Flight Program Clearance Memo (FPCM). Form 1090 or the ‘Certificate of Flight Safety’ is issued by DGAQA. The detailed technical requirements for flight testing are given in Subpart P, IMTAR-21 [5].

11)   Maintenance of Prototype Aircraft

The Main Contractor prepares the prototype notes for operating and maintaining the aircraft in airworthy condition during development flight trials. Testing may reveal the need for design changes. This is an iterative process until the design is proven to be satisfactory. 

12)       Preparation of Type Record and Issue of MTC/RMTC

After meeting all the requirements and compliance with TCB, the Main Contractor prepares and submits the Type Record of the Air System to CEMILAC. CEMILAC, on satisfactory compliance to all user, design, safety, and documentation requirements, issues the Military Type Certificate (MTC) for the Air System and approves the ‘Release to Service Document’ (RSD) to the User Services for regular operations. A Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) capturing the basic information of the Air System is also issued with the MTC. All Publications and Tools, Testers, and the Ground Equipment (TTGE) required for ensuring the Continuing Airworthiness of the Air System in Service must be also delivered to the User Services along with the RSD. The detailed requirements of the TTGEs are brought out in Subpart T, IMTAR-21.

In cases, where some user requirements have not been complied with, and the non-complied portion has been assessed to have no safety implication on the Air System. In such cases, CEMILAC issues a Restricted Military Type Certificate (RMTC) with restrictions on the intended use for a provisional period until the Type Design can be demonstrated to be accurate and complete.


5.       Certification of Ab-initio Developed UAS (Subpart 21. B2, IMTAR)

Military Certification of Ab-Initio Designed & Developed Unmanned Aerial System has been described in subpart 21. B2 of IMTAR 21 [5]. The rationale for this procedure as given in the IMTAR document is:      “The design and development of UAS leading to Military Type Certificate (MTC) must meet the appropriate safety requirements. A systematic and independent certification process is required to ensure that the UAS is safe for operation and that the design does not pose any hazard to other users of the airspace or personnel in the vicinity. The award of MTC demonstrates that the UAS has met the Type Design and safety requirements".


5.1 Categorization of UAV [Annexure 21. B2 A, IMTAR)

The regulatory requirement of the issue of MTC to the UAV depends on the weight category and flight speed, range, and altitude. The details are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Weight Categorization of UAV


UAS Category

Max Take Off Weight



Less than 1 kilogram



Between 1 to 10 Kilogram



Between 10 to 100 Kilogram



Greater than 100 kilogram


Table 2. Certification Mandate for UAV


UAS Category

Regulatory Mandate for Certification 


Micro  & Mini

No Certification Required 


Light UAS

Certification is NOT MANDATORY, if all the following conditions are met:

a.    The Operating speed at full power in level flight is less than 130 Kmph IAS

b.   Impact Kinetic Energy is less than 95 KJ in the unpremeditated descent scenario and in the loss of control scenario

c.    The range of Operation is within 500 meters of UAS pilot

d.   Flown at altitudes not exceeding 122 meters (400
feet) AGL

If any of the above conditions are violated, then
Certification is MANDATORY.


Heavy UASs

 Certification is MANDATORY



1.      The Kinetic Energy at impact, is estimated as KE = m   where m and V are the mass in Kg and velocity in meter per sec of the UAV respectively at the time of impact.

2.     In an unpremeditated descent scenario, V will be assumed as 1.3 times the stalling velocity (fixed wing UAV) and the scalar value of the auto rotation velocity vector for rotary wing UAV.

3.     In a loss of control scenario, V = 1.4 times the  where  = max operating speed for a fixed-wing UAV. For a rotary wing UAV, V = Terminal velocity with rotors stationary.


5.2 Proportional Regulatory Regime of UAS (Annexure 21.B2 IMTAR)

The proportional regulatory Regime of UAS is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Proportional Regulatory Regime of UAS


IMTAR UAS Requirement



Light UAS

Heavy UAS


Registration on









Less than 100

More than 100


Categorisation Required






Altitude of Operation



Greater than 122m

Greater than 122m


Speed of Operation (Kmph)



Greater than 130 

Greater than 130 


Range of Operation (m)



Greater than 500

Greater than 500


Trained & Authorised personnel for Operation 












MTC & Release to Service






Certificate of Usage






Occurrence Reporting






5.3 Air System Design Organization

IMTAR Regulation 21.B2.6 requires that the main Contractor responsible for the design of the UAS shall hold an Air System Design Organisation (ASDO) Approval from CEMILAC based on the Design Organisation Approval Scheme (DOAS) or in the process of applying for such an approval. The design organization approval is accorded as per the provision of IMTAR 21.G1.2. Once an organization is approved, it is included in the ASDO-approved list. A list of organizations that have been granted approval shall be published by CEMILAC on its website.

However, inclusion in DOAS is normally not an essential pre-requisite for the award of design and development contracts for Air Systems and Airborne Stores. In case the design contract with a non-approved design organization is placed directly by the Ministry of Defence, the procedure for checkpoints would be laid down by CEMILAC in each individual case, defining the extent and scope of control to be maintained by CEMILAC during the airworthiness certification process. Necessary organization approval shall be obtained by the organization at the beginning of the airworthiness certification process or at any other certification stage as agreed by CEMILAC [IMTAR 21.G1.2]


5.4 Airworthiness Certification Criteria/Special Conditions 

IMTAR Regulation 21.B2.7 requires that the main Contractor ensure that the UAS is designed & developed based on approved Airworthiness Certification Criteria (ACC) and the special conditions identified and agreed upon. The following apply:

a) ACC as per the User Services requirement shall be used.

b) In cases where the design is not to the standards specified by the User Services or the User Services have not specified the standards, the same shall be arrived at in consultation with the User Services and CEMILAC.

c) Formal approval should be sought from the User Services and CEMILAC for the use of alternative standards.


5.5 Regulatory Requirements of IMTAR 21.B2 for Ab-Initio UAS Development  

The regulations are brought out in Subpart 21. B2 IMTAR 21 which applies to ab-initio development of Light and Heavy Fixed wing and Rotary wing UAS categorized & certification mandated as per 21. B2.1 by an Indian agency for military applications. 

Design Development and certification proceed as indicated below, (the figure in the bracket indicates the regulation number).

      a)     UAS Requirement Specification Document (21.B2.8)

The proposed UAS development program shall have specific requirements for Indian military applications. A top-level UAS Requirement Specification shall be prepared by the Main Contractor in consultation with the User Services and approved by CEMILAC. The released Service Qualitative Requirements (viz. ASR/NSQR/GSQR/ICGSQR/JSQR/PSQR etc.) shall form the basis for the preparation of UAS requirement specification.

b)     Type Certification Basis. (21.B2.9)

A Type Certification Basis (TCB) shall be arrived at based on the applicable User Requirements, Airworthiness Certification Criteria/Special Conditions (21.B2.7) and UAS Requirement Specification (21.B2.8). TCB forms one of the bases for the issue of MTC and RSD. The main Contractor shall also specify the means of compliance with every requirement listed in the TCB.

c)      Airworthiness Certification Plan (21.B2.10)

The main Contractor shall prepare an Airworthiness Certification Plan (ACP) with the involvement of all stakeholders. ACP shall indicate the plan development activities and engagement of TAA during the design and development to achieve compliance to TCB. ACP shall be approved by CEMILAC.

     d)     Quality Assurance Plan (21.B2.11)

In a similar manner to ACP, the main Contractor shall also prepare a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with the involvement of all stakeholders. QAP shall indicate the plan for quality assurance activities and engagement of TAA during the development phase to achieve compliance with TCB. QAP shall be approved by DGAQA.

e)     Identification and Traceability (21.B2.12)

Each prototype UAS and their components shall be uniquely identified with specific information of the Manufacturer’s name, Type No/Part No, and the Manufacturer’s Serial Number. The guideline given in Subpart Q of IMTAR 21 shall be followed.

f)      Design & Development Process (21.B2.13)

The main Contractor shall have a design & development process that results in UAS meeting the User requirements and the Type Certification Basis.

The design and development activities should follow a System Engineering Life Cycle Process. A System Engineering Plan document shall be prepared which shall elaborate the design and development life cycle activities, responsibilities, and milestones.  

g)     Configuration Management (21.B2.14)

The main Contractor shall establish and implement a Configuration Management Process to have the Change control and maintain traceability of changes. Configuration Control Board is to be chaired by experts from respective domains with members from CEMILAC, DGAQA, and the design and production engineering of the main contractor.

h)     Test Rigs/Test Equipment Development (21.B2.15)

Development, Realization, and approval of all required test rigs/test equipment including TTGEs shall be carried out as per the regulations given in Subpart T, IMTAR 21. The test rigs are classified under 4 categories (T1 to T4). While T1 is used exclusively for developmental testing, Test rig type T2 is used both during development and series production phase, T3 is used only during production while T4 are test rig deliverable to the user services. While rig T1 is approved by CEMILAC, Rig T2 to T4 categories are approved by DGAQA based on the technical specifications approved by CEMILAC. The test rig software, if any shall be evaluated and approved as per the regulations given in Subpart C6, IMTAR 21.

i)       Test and Evaluation (21.B2.16)

Main Contractor shall ensure that the ground testing of the UAS is undertaken in such a manner that no feature or characteristics makes the UAS unsafe. TAA shall have right of access to any report, any inspection or to witness any test as necessary.

Test plan/Test schedule document at LRU level, system level and at aircraft integration level to be prepared by the Main Contractor and approved by CEMILAC. Test schedule of systems/ system on systems, to capture both normal and failure mode of testing and presented with the pass-fail criteria.

Test reports to be prepared by the Main Contractor duly signed by DGAQA and submitted to CEMILAC. Along with all the test reports, a Certificate of Design (CoD) duly signed by the Chief of Design shall be provided to CEMILAC for issuing clearances for undertaking developmental flight trials of prototype UAS.

j)       Deviations and Non-Conformance Review (21.B2.17)

All deviations arising during rig/ground/flight testing of UAS shall be listed as design limitations and to be mitigated with design improvements to the maximum extent possible. Any deviations resulting in unsafe operation of UAS shall not be accepted and must be mitigated through design improvements.

The QA of the main contractor shall put up the deviations to DGAQA for disposition. DGAQA may seek a design opinion from CEMILAC. The major deviations may be put up to NCRB (Non-Conformance Review Board) comprising of TAA, domain experts, design representatives, and co-opted members.

Based on the safety, criticality, and reparability, the deviations may be disposed of as waiver, concession or issuance of restricted MTC. DGAQA is the final authority for disposition of the deviations.

k)     Flight Test (21.B2.18)

UAS shall be flight tested for validation of Design, airworthiness, and User requirements to facilitate compliance to the Type Certification Basis. Flight testing shall be conducted as per Subpart P, IMTAR 21.

Maximum possible certification requirements shall be attempted to validate at the dynamic rigs, simulators, testbeds, etc. Flight testing of UAS shall be conducted in a progressive manner giving due diligence to flight safety, slowly expanding the flight envelope. Flight test points shall be evolved by the flight testing department of the Main Contractor in consultation with various system designers.

l)       Compliance With Type Certification Basis (21.B2.19)

The main Contractor shall prepare a Compliance statement to the TCB as per the agreed plan. The main Contractor shall present the compliance of TCB to CEMILAC for issuance of RMTC or MTC.


m)   Issue of RMTC/IOC (21.B2.20)

The main Contractor shall submit to CEMILAC compliance to TCB, Air System build standard, and Type Record, meeting minimum operational requirements acceptable to Users without affecting safety.

Based on the limitations of the UAS and the Concessions & waivers as agreed with Users, CEMILAC shall issue a Restricted Military Type Certificate/Initial Operational Clearance (RMTC)/IOC & TCDS (Type Certification Data Sheet) for the UAS stating the limitations if any, to the Main Contractor based on satisfactory compliance of TCB.

n)     Issue of Military Type Certificate /Final Operational Clearance (21.B2.21)

The main Contractor shall submit a Compliance statement to the TCB, Air System Build Standard, and the Type Record. CEMILAC, after verifying these documents shall issue a Military Type Certificate /Final Operational Clearance for the UAS stating limitations if any, to the Main Contractor.

o)     Issue of Release to Service Document (RSD) and Manuals (21.B2.22)

UAS shall be issued with RSD by CEMILAC along with manuals released by the Main Contractor to User Services after compliance with TCB meeting User requirements.

Manuals shall be classified into flight publication and technical publication. Flight publications shall be prepared by the Main Contractor and approved by CEMILAC. Technical publication shall be prepared by the Main Contractor in consultation with the maintenance departments of User Services. Technical Publications shall be released by the Main Contractor to User Services. CEMILAC shall not approve the technical publications.

p)     Production (21. B2.23)

The MTC/RMTC holder or identified production agency shall carry out production under the DGAQA-approved quality management process. The production organization shall have ‘Production Organization Approval’ (POA) from DGAQA as per Subpart G2, IMTAR 21.

MTC/RMTC is a design-cum-production certificate. Hence MTC holders can take up production of aircraft after obtaining POA. In case the MTC/RMTC holder wants to take up production through a production partner, then the MTC/RMTC holder may enter into a licensed production agreement.

q)     Responsibilities of MTC holder (21. B2.25)

The MTC holder shall adhere to all the clauses of the MTC including conditions & limitations mentioned in the type certificate. Any changes required in the UAS at any stage shall be carried out only after the approval of CEMILAC. The MTC holder shall resolve all the design-related issues of the UAS in service to the satisfaction of the User Services.

r)      Duration and Continued Validity (21. B2.27)

RMTC shall remain valid for a period not exceeding 5 years; an MTC shall remain valid for a period not exceeding 10 Years; and RSD without limit, provided the document has not been suspended or revoked by CEMILAC. CEMILAC shall include the duration of validity at the time of issue of the MTC. The MTC holder shall apply to CEMILAC for the renewal of the MTC six months before the expiry of the Certificate.



1.           Nagraj K, Kalyanam VK and Annamalai SP. Reference Book on Airworthiness and Certification of Military Fixed Wing Aircraft’. IDST-B REPORT No. IDST/CEMILAC/01 dated Mar 2005. CAPSI No. and Date: IDST /CEMILAC/02/CONT, Dated 23 July 03.

2.           Procedure for Design, Development, and Production of Military Aircraft and Airborne Stores

DDPMAS-75. Ministry of Defence Gov. of India. 30 October 1975. 

3.      Procedure for Design, Development, and Production of Military Aircraft and Airborne Stores

DDPMAS-2002 (Supersedes DDPMAS-75). Ministry of Defence Gov. of India. 17 May 2002.

4.       Framework and Procedure for Design, Development, and Production of Military Air Systems and Airborne Stores. DDPMAS Version 1.0. Ministry of Defence, Gov. of India. February 2021.

5.           Indian Military Technical Airworthiness Requirements, IMTAR – 21 Version 1.0; Design, Development, Production and Certification of Military Air Systems and Airborne Stores, Min of Defence, Government of India, February 2021.


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